IV Arm And Hand For Adult ALS Trainer
There are two latex tubing ends extending from the antecubital fosse of the right arm. Insert the connector from a full reservoir bag into on of these tubes. Suspend the reservoir bag of blood above the arm. Caution when you release the tube clamp the blood will flow through the vein system and out the other tube. By Installing a second, empty reservoir bag with tubing to the exit tube of the manikin, you will have closed the blood system. Run enough blood through the vein to that all the air bubbles are removed
To obtain a flash in the catheter chamber and acquire the most pressure at the point of catheterization of the vein, clamp closed the lower of the two reservoir bags. Also, raise the full bag of blood at least 24" above the arm. This elevation provides pressure for the flash.
Size 30" x 6" x 6". Ship weight 7 lbs.